Missional Living Education and Consulting Services

Choosing a life of impact?

When your priority is making an impact instead of building your career or business, I am here to help you navigate the challenges. Design a business or career that supports your life circumstances and mission. Learn how to navigate the unexpected.

Somethings I can help you navigate

Missional Living Academy

Check out my Missional Living Academy.

Survival Guides

Guides to help you navigate missional living and remote work:

Solopreneur On a Mission Coaching

Most business coaches don’t get it when your business isn’t your mission. Whether you are trying to manage a change in life circumstances or want to give back to your community. Have a weekly or monthly call as you navigate business with your life’s mission.

Schedule a free consultation to learn more.


Fractional Chief Missions Officer

I will help you align your business with your mission. Whether you need to make more room for life`s challenges or want to help your employees become more mission oriented. I can guide you through the technical and relational aspects of the journey.

Schedule a free initial consultation.


Chet’s Missional Experience

I had an early start in a high-tech career in high school and college. I chose to put caring for my wife who had a severe chronic illness ahead of my career. Eventully I left that careeer to be her full-time caregiver.

I helped my wife start a location indepedent business. Location independence allowed her to run it during trips to the doctor, or when the illness got bad, from her bed. And we moved into a motorhome so we could take her bed wherever we went.

After she died, my mission changed to international missions. My technology consulting business takes a back-seat to projects in remote villages and communities in Brazil.

Subscribe to my newsletter to learn more about my adventures and projects.

Our Motto: Never Give Up! Always Hope! Live Life!

My late wife learned that early in life as a childhood cancer (ALL) survivor.
Later in life, she was struck with a rare form of Mitochondrial Myopathy (MELAS). She lived life to the fullest even when her body was failing.

Copyright © 2014-2024 Chet Bailey. All rights reserved.
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